Hi Jim,
Thanks for your well thought out "Trump – My Thoughts" piece. For my part, I have to say that I found Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC cathartic. It was a good sum-up of the best of what he had said on the campaign trail (with more polish in places).
I won’t reiterate the numerous individual issues, but I think that there are four very big root causes that have been ignored in the public discourse:
– Click on Any Accordion Bar –
"Free trade"? Leaving aside labor costs: the playing field for international trade is still NOT level - from protectionism to different accountancy rules. From pollution - to taxes - to micro managing federal regulations: foreign competitors operate in more favorable environments.
Because of this, CEOs who move operations overseas can expect big leaps in the stock price - which translates into lots of bonus money for themselves. It would not be in their interests to have Trump messing with this.
The Victim's Revolution has turned deadly. Whether it’s Black Lives Matter in the face of black social statistics, large scale Muslim immigration in the face of Europe’s experience, or cross border gangs, drugs and crime - our media and academics seem to be dominated by a set of ideologues which dismiss legitimate concerns with "racist", "authoritarian personality" or even a "Nazi" labels ("political correctness" means avoiding these reproaches) - on people not wealthy enough to move out of neighborhoods that are going downhill.
Trump's base of white working class voters believe in law and order and, because of economic circumstances, they are often on the frontline when crime goes unchecked. For a long time they have felt that no one defends their interests. Trump does.
The cold war ended in the 1990s. Questioning military spending is WAY overdue (and has been for years).
Minus Social Security (which pays for itself at the moment), our 600 billion dollar military budget makes up 20% of federal spending and dwarfs everyone else’s.
And for what? Nato against the Russian threat? Trip wire alliances with countries like Estonia ?
Needless to say – with Trump's questioning of Nato's role, military contractors aren’t likely to be contributing to the Republican party this election cycle either.
Jim, we both were equally frustrated when Bush betrayed the post 9/11 unity of our country and attacked Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that were not there – blowing Valerie Plame’s cover when she called him on it well before the fact, and ignoring the Saudis who were responsible.
Bush and Cheney pushing that war (and letting Bin Laden get away in the process) was a cross between Benedict Arnold and a Nuremberg war crime. It trashed America’s post 1900 “honest broker” role in the world (starting with Teddy Roosevelt getting the Nobel Prize for facilitating an end to the Russo-Japanese War).
I hope that any politician who did not hold Bush accountable for that war (at the least, he should have been impeached) and tries to “brass it out” while hoping that the public’s memory is short – never gets elected to anything.
I do not understand why we are bombing them (in the Mideast) over there (they want to reestablish the caliphate which was abolished by Ataturk in 1924) and letting them in over here.
I do not understand how military action can defeat ISIS (like being tough is all it will take), and I think Trump falls short on this one.
I do not understand how a country that spends 600 billion dollars a year (20% of the non-Social Security federal budget) could even think of increasing military spending.
When Trump says things like: “no one’s going to be better on women’s health issues than me” I know he is full of it (i.e., he doesn't know any more about it than I do).
On many, many things Trump tends towards this type of hyperbole.
I think I can separate out the chaff from the wheat. And that’s why I support Trump.
Nitpicking about (non teleprompter polished) extemporaneous inconsistencies are cheap shots.
When it comes to at least defining the issues that I think are important, I do not think anyone even comes close to Donald Trump.
Regards, - Ken